Starting Out in Bullet Journaling

Hello, Internet! I’ve recently started out in bullet journaling, and I’m really enjoying it so far. If you don’t know what bullet journaling is, it’s a journal with an organization system that’s completely customizable to you and your preferences. It’s like a mixture of a planner, diary, and a to-do list, and I think this system is a really fun and cool way to keep track of things. They’re good for people who are organized, are into habit tracking and setting goals, and people who like to keep journals and diaries. Obviously, though, these aren’t requirements. There are multitudes of reasons why someone decided to start a bullet journal. For me personally, it was because I wanted to become better organized (and to improve my handwriting, to be honest) Today, I want to help you dip your toes into bullet journaling and teach you some basics if you’re interested. In the world of bullet journaling, there are a lot of terms and fancy language that can be confusing at times, so I...