September Wrap Up + September Book Haul
Hello, Internet! It is October now, and you know what that means:
Also, it’s time for another wrap-up. So without further ado, let’s get to my September reads!
Holy crap guys, I read a lot of books this month, and bought even more to put on my shelf. It was great. Theeee first book I read this month was Famous Last Words by Katie Alender. Willa is slowly adjusting to her new life in Hollywood, California with a new dad and new friends, but a notorious serial killer is at large. He’s kidnapping girls and reenacting famous movie scenes, killing them in the process. But that’s not Willa’s only problem. There’s a ghost in her house, one who keeps messing with her, but Willa starts to believe that the ghost is warning her, but of what? I have to be honest, I was very skeptical about this book. The paranormal-mystery genre isn’t really my thing, but I really enjoyed this book. It was fun, exciting, and kept me on the edge of my seat! If you’re interested in checking out this genre, then this is the book for you!
The next book I read (or books, rather) was Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. I had heard amazing things about this, so I decided to check it out. It was absolutely amazing! Celaena Sardothien, skilled assassin, has been called forth to participate in a competition to be the king’s Champion assassin. But there’s something going on behind the scenes. Someone or something is killing the other competitors, and will stop at nothing to get what it wants. I read the first four books in about three weeks, and now I can’t wait to get my hands on Empire of Storms! It’s sooooooooo good! Please, please read it, I’m obsessed!
This was really really short, so I’m going to add on a September book haul, because I got A LOT of books this month. Most were from Half Price Books, because that place is my second home, so let’s get to it!
First, I’ll start with Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne. I love her last name. Fans of The Lunar Chronicles will get that ;) All I know is that it’s about assassins, and ToG worked out pretty well for me.
Next comes The Iron Trial and The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. I knew that Cassandra had co-written a MG novel, but I hadn’t gotten around to reading it, but I saw it at my school’s Scholastic book fair (the second most wonderful time of the year) They were both five dollars, I just had to. It’s got magic, excitement, and fun, and I’ve heard nothing but good things, so I’ll give it a go.
The next book I got was Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I’ve heard of this series before, but haven’t really had any interest in it, until I got it from HPB for five dollars. I believe it’s about fallen angels, much like the Fallen series, but I’m just praying that it’s nothing like that. I’ve heard many good things about it, so I hope that it’s good. I guess we’ll just wait and see!
Next up is The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee. I found this book via Sasha Alsberg, who is my favorite BookTuber. She said she really enjoyed it, and it was twenty percent off at Target, so I said “Why not?” It’s about teenagers living in a building, and the higher floor you live on, the higher your social status. Everyone’s stories intersect at some point, I think, so I’m excited.
Next we have Wake by Lisa McMann. It looks like a really short book, so I’ll probably be able to get through it in a week or so when once I start. It’s about a girl who is placed in other people’s dreams when she falls asleep. But then she finds out that she can manipulate them, and everything changes. It looks good, so I’ll get to reading that soon, I hope.
The next book I got this month was Cold Spell by Jackson Pearce. It is the fourth book in a series of fairytale retellings, but they didn’t have the others, so I got this one anyway. The stories are all different, so I don’t think I have to worry about them being interconnected in some way. I believe this one is a retelling of the Snow Queen, but I’m not 100% sure. The cover is gorgeous, so I’m really happy with that purchase!
Next is Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas. I think this is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, which is one of my all time favorite fairy tales, so I’m excited to see how it goes!
Next up on my long list is Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan. It’s a sci-fi story about people sent to another planet to colonize it, and this is a new genre for me, too. I’m not a big sci-fi reader, but the reviews on Goodreads were amazing, so I decided to get it.
This month, I also got the first two books in the Red Queen series. I’m almost done with the first book, and it’s insanely good! I’m in love. Mare is such a kick butt character, and I love that so much! Read it, if you haven’t!
The second to last (it’s almost over, I promise) book on my list is Everland by Wendy Spinale. This is a Peter Pan retelling, but more of a dystopian setting. The world is overcome by disease and destroyed by bombs, and three siblings are just trying to survive. It looks really good. And now I realize that I’ve been into retellings recently. Eh, I can never get enough of them.
And the last book on my list (freaking finally) is Storm Siren by Mary Weber. I have no idea what this books is about. I saw the pretty cover and added it to my HPB pile. Fingers crossed that it’s good!
And there you have it little booknerds! Not much else to say, is there? Thanks for reading,
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