August Wrap Up

Hello, Internet! Ring the shame bell, go ahead, because I only finished three books this month. Shame. Now, you may be thinking, “Ariana, three books in a month is normal!” Not for me, it’s not. Le sigh, for I have been hit with a reading slump. Duh duh duuuuuuuuun! That is right, chicken pies, I have been in a reading slump for most of the month of August. I only finished two books, and I started three, but didn’t finish them. I’ll mention them in the wrap up anyway. Do you know what I’ve learned in the past three weeks? School is time consuming! And this is before my extra curricular activities. And you might have noticed that the title and thumbnail only say August Wrap Up, and not September TBR. That is simply because setting goals for me is hard. I’m am probably the biggest procrastinator you may ever have the pleasure of meeting in your life, so I am no longer going to set reading goals for fear of getting into another reading slump and letting myself and you d...