
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Screaming Staircase Spoiler-Free (for the most part) Review

Hello, Internet! I'm going to be honest, The Screaming Staircase was a hard book to get into for me. When it would usually take me a week, maybe a week and a half to read a book this size, it took me almost a whole four weeks, because it was hard to get interested. That might be due to the fact that this series seems like middle grade, and I'm not usually into those types of books. But I kept reading, mostly because I was recommended it and that person really wanted me to do a review (hey what's up) but it also has gotten so many good reviews and I wanted to see what it was like. And man, did it end good! Up until the part where Lockwood, Lucy, and George get to Combe Carey Hall, the book is pretty uneventful. Sure, they go on a hunt at the beginning and set a house on fire, blah blah blah, but the real action gets there when Fairfax comes into the picture. As they go through the Red Room and the Screaming Staircase, the mystery of Annabel Ward's murder unfolds....

September Wrap Up + September Book Haul

Hello, Internet! It is October now, and you know what that means: IT’S AUTUMN! Also, it’s time for another wrap-up. So without further ado, let’s get to my September reads! Holy crap guys, I read a lot of books this month, and bought even more to put on my shelf. It was great. Theeee first book I read this month was Famous Last Words by Katie Alender. Willa is slowly adjusting to her new life in Hollywood, California with a new dad and new friends, but a notorious serial killer is at large. He’s kidnapping girls and reenacting famous movie scenes, killing them in the process. But that’s not Willa’s only problem. There’s a ghost in her house, one who keeps messing with her, but Willa starts to believe that the ghost is warning her, but of what? I have to be honest, I was very skeptical about this book. The paranormal-mystery genre isn’t really my thing, but I really enjoyed this book. It was fun, exciting, and kept me on the edge of my seat! If you’re interested in chec...