The Book Sacrifice Tag!

Hello, internet! It's been a few weeks since I posted something, and I thought I should do a tag! The rules are simple: You are given a scenario in which you have to sacrifice a certain book. That's it. If the book I sacrifice is a favorite of yours, then sorry. We're both entitled to our opinions, and that's totally fine. Scenario 1: Let's start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let's say you're in a book store, just browsing, when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA System saying that the military has discovered that the zombies' only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you disliked do you start chucking at the zombies knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wipe them out? Answer: Please, please don't hate me. I choose the Maze Runner series by James Dashner. I read the first book, and it really wasn't interesting to me. Maybe someday I'...