The Program by Suzanne Young Series Spoiler-Free Review

Hello, Internet! I am currently on spring break. A bunch of people I know are in Florida or Colorado or just doing fun stuff in general. I am too! I've spent the last six-ish days doing nothing but sleeping, reading, watching The Office, and writing. And since my spring break doesn't line up with my sister's and my mom's, I am doing all of this alone in my home. It's fun. Fun fact: I have not left my neighborhood since school let out. My productivity level is super high. I'm not gonna lie, my reading pace has been kind of slow lately. I'm just not reading as much. But, in the past four days alone, I've finished three books. I am quite proud of myself. I have also written about 3000 words of a new short story that I will most likely (aka. inevitably) not finish, and learned a new song on the ukulele. And finished four seasons of The Office. Instead of doing all that stuff, I could be doing relevant stuff, like finishing the math work that my tea...