The (unofficial) 2016 Book Awards!

Hello, Internet! Tons of people have been posting their favorite books of 2016 lately, and I will be doing that today, but I’m going to spice it up with a couple more things. I feel like 2016 was a good year for me, in terms of books. I opened myself into some books that I was hesitant to read, and I’m really proud of myself for that. Other than that, it was garbage fire on wheels kind of year. I think it was like that for a lot of people too. But we’re not talking about the depressing twelve months that was 2016, we’re talking about books. This year, I started reading more high fantasy books, which is a genre that I’m generally kind of intimidated by. Being thrust into a completely different world with unfamiliar terms was very unsettling to me, but I found that I really, really enjoyed it. I also started getting more into audiobooks. My thing with audiobooks is that I really only like to listen to them if I’ve physically read the book first. I just have this fear that if...